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React Js

2 hours

What is React Js? React (also known as React.js or …

What you'll learn
Component-Based Development: React is centered around a component-based architecture. You'll learn how to create reusable, self-contained UI components that can be combined to build complex user interfaces. This approach makes your code more modular and maintainable.
Rendering and Re-rendering: You'll understand how React handles rendering and re-rendering. React efficiently updates the user interface by comparing the Virtual DOM with the actual DOM, making it performant and responsive.
State Management: You'll learn how to manage the state of your application using React's built-in state management. This includes setting and updating component state, and understanding how state changes trigger component re-renders.
Props: You'll work with props (short for properties) to pass data from parent components to child components. This is an essential mechanism for sharing information and configuring components.
Lifecycle Methods: React components have a lifecycle, and you'll learn how to use lifecycle methods to execute code at specific points in a component's lifecycle, such as when it's mounted or updated.
Handling Events: You'll learn how to handle user interactions and events, such as clicks and form submissions, and how to respond to these events within your components.
Conditional Rendering: React allows you to conditionally render components and elements based on certain criteria. You'll learn how to show or hide elements dynamically.
Lists and Keys: You'll understand how to work with lists of data and the importance of using keys to help React efficiently update the UI when dealing with dynamic lists.
Routing: While not part of React core, you'll often learn how to integrate a routing library (such as React Router) to manage navigation and routing within your single-page applications.
State Management Libraries: You might explore state management solutions like Redux or the Context API for more complex applications where managing global state is necessary.
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